Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Physicist-Engineer BSc program

Physicist-Engineer BSc

BME’s Faculty of Natural Sciences launches a new Physicist-Engineer BSc program in September 2023

In response to an overwhelming demand from technology intensive R&D companies in Hungary and worldwide, BME launches a new program to train Physicist-Engineers with strong R&D potential.

Our program focuses on rapidly developing technological areas such as quantum and nanotechnology, data science and artificial intelligence, photonics, quantum optics and materials science, sustainable energetics, and nuclear technology. In collaboration with our industrial partners, we offer worldwide competitive, versatile knowledge in these fields to answer novel technological challenges.

focus areas

Semiconductor Technology

Sustainable Energetics

Data Science


Materials Science

Medical Devices

Artificial Intelligence

Quantum Technology

Nuclear Technology

Optics and Photonics

Computational Modeling

Be a Physicist-Engineer!

Industrial Sector Welcomes Physicist Engineers

„New revolutionary technologies such as nanotechnology, quantum technology and quantum communication, functional materials technology, and the already widely used artificial intelligence and data science are the answers to the challenges of the 21st century. Our new English-language Physics and Engineering programme offers competitive science and technology skills essential for innovative research in precisely these areas. “

Gergely Zaránd

Director, BME Institute of Physics

„There are no repetitive workdays in R&D as there are always new challenges presented − the semiconductor industry is all about continuous technological development. Our metrology systems are also created through the exciting collaboration of people in different fields. As a head of department at Semilab, coordinating the theoretical physics, applied optics, design and production aspects of our development ideas is a part of my daily work. One can gain a solid foundation for mastering this complex way of thinking at BME’s Physics-Engineering program. “

Tamás Szarvas

Head of Optical Scattering Microscopy Department

„There is a high need for the system-oriented thinking of physicists at Bosch. Having a deep understanding of our environment via learning physics is a good starting point for a successful career. There are several fields where physicist-engineers are welcome, like electromagnetic interference (EMC), artificial intelligence (AI), data science, reliability of products, materials science and optics “

Zoltán Karaffy

Head of department, Robert Bosch Gmbh. Engineering Validation Center

Competitive specializations

From Science to Technology

Physicist-engineer students receive a balanced combination of courses on engineering, physics, mathematics, computer and data science, as well as management. Technological aspects are pronounced in the curriculum of Physicist-Engineer students, who receive, however, a stronger education in natural sciences than usual engineering students. This makes them unique and most capable of performing creative and innovative R&D activity in fields ranging from quantitative data science or nuclear technology to nano- and quantum technology.
Data science is one of the most important components of our program: advanced data collection, visualization, and data processing as well as machine learning are parts of the core skills we teach. These can be further developed in our Scientific Data Processing specialization.

Fundamental science


Mechanics, electrodynamics, optics, thermodynamics, modern physics, condensed matter and statistical physics

40 credits


Vector and matrix algebra, multivariable calculus, probability, modern mathematical methods in physics

34 credits

Additional skills

Management and communication

Communication, professional English, management and presentation skills

10 credits


Any course of the university

10 credits

Applied science and technology

Information science

Programming, numerical algorithms, machine learning

23 credits

Applied science, technology and design

Measurement methods and technology, computer aided design, computer control, electronics, sensing, applied chemistry, elective subjects on engineering

47 credits


Nanotechnology and Quantum Applications, Nuclear Technologies and Sustainable Energetics, Scientific Data Processing

31 credits


6 week

Thesis work

15 credits

Diverse Career paths

R + D experts for innovative companies

We educate creative researchers with a strong multidisciplinary background, and engage them in R&D research of frontline technological companies already during their studies. Industrial and research training is provided by leading national and international R&D companies, such as Siemens, Bosch, Nokia, Semilab, Femtonics, Mediso, and by research institutes with applied science and technology focus.

Study in english!

Advanced scientific communication

All courses are in English, but we offer many possibilities to improve your professional English and language skills. We offer advanced professional English courses for our students (Scientific Writing, English for Engineers, Presentations Skills, Communication Skills). In the first year, students also receive Hungarian lecture recordings and lecture notes, and are also allowed to pass exams and have consultation in Hungarian throughout their studies.

our methodology


Thanks to our small groups, we offer a friendly atmosphere and personalized education. Students are welcome to participate in research and development projects from the early semesters.

Why BME?

Be part of our international community

The Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) offers English-language training programs with expanding popularity. Our international students come from over 30 countries worldwide, filling more than 12% of our enrollment.

at the heart of europe

The city of Budapest

Budapest is a bustling city, rich in historical places, monumental buildings, baths, nightlife venues, parks and special gastronomic experiences, in the heart of Europe. As the capital of Hungary, it is part of the European Union, which brings many benefits to the students studying here.

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Műegyetem rkp. 3, Budapest, H-1111, Hungary